
Exciting Breakthrough in Analytical Chemistry & Atmospheric Sciences!

Introducing a game-changing innovation in gas-phase chemical analysis: Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MPCIMS) as presented in the now peer-reviewed paper "From Hydrocarbons to Highly Functionalized Molecules in a Single Measurement" by Shcherbinin, Finkenzeller et al.

This groundbreaking method combines high-and low-pressure ionization in a single instrument, enabling the comprehensive analysis of both volatile hydrocarbons and highly functionalized molecules—something that previously required multiple setups. Demonstrated using a-pinene, a critical component in atmospheric chemistry, MPCIMS successfully captures the entire spectrum of oxidation products, paving the way for deeper insights into aerosol formation and air quality dynamics.

Key Impacts:

  • Unified Approach: Eliminates the need for separate instruments for different compound classes.
  • Enhanced Sensitivity: Leveraging atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation for ultimate sensitivity and low pressure ionisation to capture a broader range of molecules without compromising on detection limits.
  • Simplified Analysis: Reduces technical complexity and saves space and cost in measurement campaigns.

This innovation not only streamlinesanalytical workflows but also holds immense potential for advancing atmospheric science, from understanding air pollution to studying climate-relevant processes.

📘Read the full paper here:DOIlink

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