
Finnish Research Impact Foundation

FRIF selects collaboration between Karsa Oy and University of Helsinki to resolve atmospheric ultrafine particle phase constituents

Aerosol particles play a significant role in air quality and atmosphere. They are also used when identifying dangerous substances or developing clean-air technologies. However, it is difficult to evaluate the chemical composition of small aerosol particles with high accuracy because the technology is not available. This collaboration between the University of Helsinki and Karsa Oy aims to change this situation and create the technology that is needed to measure the chemical composition of sub-100 nm aerosol particles. The result will be an electrospray-based thermal desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometer. This project has high potential to advance research on atmospheric aerosols, and it can also produce business opportunities for several industrial applications.

“Never before has it been possible to measure the chemical composition of such small aerosol particles that we are focused on.” Mikko Sipilä, principal investigator of the project, University of Helsinki.

“Karsa is very proud to be partnering with University of Helsinki to contribute to better understanding of the chemical composition of very small aerosol particles that are key for air quality and human well-being.” said HJ Jost, CEO of Karsa. “The underlying technology to be further developed during the project has direct applications in homeland security and keeping people safe.” He added “Being selected by the Finnish Research Impact Foundation is a validation of the extremely important work Karsa is doing. We look forward to bringing products based on this project to international markets.”

The project funds a two year postdoctoral position, the candidate will work for one year at Karsa.

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