
Ready to ship: MION2 & Orbitrap

The first shipment of the year: Multi-scheme chemical ionization inlet, MION2, and Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer.

It is greatly rewarding to see the results of your work in a finished product, which took several months to build! Today we chatted with our Head of Production Verner Hemmilä to learn more about the process of manufacturing and its major challenges.

How long does it take to assemble one MION2?

Verner: From when we have all the parts, assembling one instrument takes around 6-7 weeks. But some of the parts can take up to half a year to receive. As we are a small company, we don’t have a large stock of parts.

What are the biggest challenges in the process?

Verner: The main challenge is managing the complexity of parts. Hundreds of parts need to be at the correct place and available at the right time.

What else is important to consider?

Verner: When MION2 is assembled, we perform various tests on the hardware. Then our support team joins the process and checks the performance and stability of measurements. And if the system is going to first-time users, we also do hands-on training in our lab.

Kudos to our production and support teams for their hard work and diligence! We hope this system will contribute to great discoveries and help to narrow down uncertainties in atmospheric sciences!

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